by Agampreet Kalra
An elephant clogged inside my skull
Makes sound each time I breathe
There I put my foot forth
And here a trumpet rings out
I sleep, I sleep at night.
But an ant walks in through the cave –
Stay wake-broiling,
Cold stone blood,
Itching the Ele.
When I smile in the sunshine
The purple bruised Ele smiles along
Bitter like the back of the throat.
It breathes in
Smoke escapes out; feral
There’s a small river running
Past the house
Fresh, and smells of green.
Ele wants to jump.
Dad says jumping is bad.
Ele desires the river
Pooling it’s wetness in my iris.
All day, Ele
In the corner – alone
On the sofa
With the smell of cat piss and soup
Ant now scratching red vessels
Ele pants and cries
And jumps in –
In the steam
Inside the fresh.

Agampreet Kalra is a writer and poetess from India. Her life revolves around writing, reading, staying up late, talking to her dog and drinking coffee. She mostly write poems, blogs and short stories and some of her work has been published in Moonchild Magazine and the upcoming will be published in Anti-Heroin Chic and Rhythm & Bones Lit Mag. She also maintains a personal Blog page and few of her blogs have been published in Rhythm & Bones Lit Mag, The Brown Orient and Hebe Poetry Journal. She is also a Staff Writer for WeRedefy and Content Developer for Delhi Poetry Slam. Follow her on Twitter @Apreetkalra.
The Sunday Solace series focuses on mental health and medication. We hope to provide a judgment-free space to explore and discuss our issues in a creative manner.