Elephant Pond

Elephant Pond at Salcey Forest
by Ashley Bullen-Cutting

curving slats cross
sorrel waters
dirty replication in
a surface shared
with the swaying of green

truncated souls
stop midway
perceptions pricked
to mistral converse
hoary spectral splashing

veteran oaks
storify in squeaks
recollecting ashen anatomies
questing elephantidae snouts

little ones gawp and clap
infant hands poking
between vertical boards
reaching for the past

Note from the author: The Elephant Pond is a lovely habitat found within the Salcey Forest, named after the circus pachyderms who were employed there to fell trees during the Second World War.

Photo by Andrew Farren from the About Northants blog.

Largely concerned with the Eco, Gothic and Weird, Ashley Bullen-Cutting is a writer whose works have appeared in over half a dozen journals. Recent examples of his output can be found in Burning House Press, Twist in Time Magazine and Ghost City Press. He is an English Literature PhD candidate at The University of Sheffield.
Social: @abullencutting
Website: https://abullencutting.wixsite.com/abcwrites

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