February 10, 2020 Weekly

Celebrate Love – February 10, 2020 Weekly

There’s a United States holiday at the end of this week that celebrates romantic, passionate, and commerical love. While we feel mixed about the day, we’re taking it as an excuse to celebrate love in a number of forms. Love keeps us warm in the winter, offers a guiding light to friends, and sometimes burns with its intensity. When we misplace or lose love, we mourn, and we seek its renewal. And maybe, it could be all we need.

“Missed You Again” by Nolcha Fox

Handsome Man with the Light Grey Cap at the Countdown Diner

You have amazing blue eyes and I would love to meet you any Saturday morning for coffee at the Countdown Diner. Alice.


“Mistletoe and Sycamores” by Hally Winters

I suggested we pull the car around and she could climb on top to pick some. I liked the idea of mistletoe. She said they’re not native. They’re a parasite.

“cigarette butts” by Iolana Paedelt

we burn—

fast and bright.
half of me turns into ashes,
the other half crashes onto silent ground,
you let me go

“Mourning Routine” by ShivaRJoyce

I was always the one to wake first. Some early, ungodly hour. It wasn’t because I was a so-called morning person but more that I loathed sleep for robbing me of my day and time.

“Orchard Frost” by Ryan Norman

Frosted grounds of the orchard echoed
our joy and the deer stood still.

Quilts trapped the warmth of our flesh
as I read Whitman into your