Children Reflected – November 18, 2019 Weekly
This week’s features are full of children, some small, some grown, and some childish in behavior only. As these miniature humans deal with lost toys, passed family members, and the wasteland of growing up, we see reflections of our own struggles. But don’t stare too long, lest you become enraptured by your own image, and grow deaf to what these others have to teach you.
“Alone on the Bus” by MJ Christie
“Shall we leave Ted at home today?”
“No.” You hugged him to your chest. He loved riding the bus. Mum gave in, as always.
If only she hadn’t.
“child” by Iolana Paedelt
i asked you to stay.
i said
“you don’t have to leave.”
you gave me all your words,
your promises,
and did it anyway.
“Forever Feathers” by Inga Eissmann Buccella
The young hawk stared at the little boy
But the boy – through the glass – played with a toy
Inside – father on the phone
wept and sounded sad and alone
“People Parts” by Roppotucha Greenberg
I have a kitchenette, and I’ve had to get a couple of rooms. When that daughter of mine finally shows up, she can pick those two up. They’re hard work. I have the big one washing clothes. She’s stubborn and dissipates all the time.