by Marissa Glover
fraidy cat, fraidy cat
who’s been running home to mommy
who’s been running
fraidy, fraidy cat
simon says you’ve been crying, simon says
are those tears, cry baby
baby, baby nanny nanny boo boo
who’s been running
ring around the rosy
pockets full of poesy
stand still while we run around
ashes to ashes
london bridge is falling down
we all fall, fraidy
i will catch you if i can
i too am running home
crying mommy may i
put myself together again

Marissa Glover is a teacher and writer who shares her thoughts more than necessary, which she considers a form of charitable giving. If it counted as a tax deduction, she’d be rich. Her poetry was recently anthologized in Persona Non Grata by Fly on the Wall Press and published at Three Drops from a Cauldron, Ghost City Review, The Coil, New Verse News, Anti-Heroin Chic, and Collective Unrest. Follow her on Twitter @_MarissaGlover_.
(And don’t miss the hot spelling exercise in her poem Sex. – Elephants Never)
The Sunday Solace series focuses on mental health and medication. We hope to provide a judgment-free space to explore and discuss our issues in a creative manner.