Sometimes to their detriment, elephants never vet. A lack of vetting (among other things) famously caused some stray pachyderms to endorse Trump. In addition, such neglect of source-checking leads to a proliferation of fake news and hasty opinions. While we prize rapid reactions and quick-takes on social media, we must remember to properly source our information. Otherwise, we will end up wasting valuable resources on retractions.
Tag: vet
“What? A retraction?” “Yes, ma’am, we need to publish a retraction for the Democrats Collude with Korea piece.” “Eddie, I sincerely hope you’re joking. That article just topped our ‘Most Read’ list for the week!” “Well, it has, uh, come to my attention that the facts of the article may, um, lack a basis in reality.” “‘Dear Mr. Lephant… rumor-mongering Read More