The Restless Tides of the Tagus

boats on the Tagus waters
by Mário Santos

The nymphs immersed in the deep haven of the river, inhabit the
minds of the sailors who drift upon distressed waters, oblivious
to the compulsive force that pushes them, inebriated by sleep.

The river hides deep in its waters the last tears of the infants
who traveled along it, in the gloom of sleep.
Dark banks, drowned in the distance of time, hide a people
yearning for new tides but inhabited by fear.

By the ferocious fear of thunderstorms that stir the waters,
which convulses the souls and submerges the bodies.
The lost souls of the sailors submit themselves to the incessant
cycle of the tides that carry them, in the chaotic confusion of the
waves, to the submissive arms of a woman.

But, unlike the shelters on land, there are no longer women who
inhabit the waters, who drown the sailors in the tender aliveness
of their bodies.

Mário Santos lives in Lisbon, Portugal. Coming from languages and arts but passionate for the new technologies, he wrote his first novel, “A Máquina não gosta de gatos” (The machine hates cats), ​published in 2015 in Portugal by a traditional publishing house, Guerra & Paz Editores.

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