by Rohan Sharma Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.― Lao Tzu The twenty-three months I spent at PICC forced me to grow in many ways. Many of the lessons I learned came not Read More
Category: Culture
Spider in the Storm
by Rohan Sharma If you have never reached rock bottom, you have never attended the school of greatness.― Matshona Dhliwayo Spending time in what is known as the “suicide wing” (back in the jail next door known as DC) was an altogether different experience. They only opened the door for five minutes every morning to converse with the psychiatrist, to Read More
October 3rd, 1873
by River Rivers My ancestors, the Modoc Natives, were colonized. My home is Oregon. My home has a dark-side. After a great battle Captain Jack shot General Canby. For their ‘War Crimes’ four Modoc were hanged. That’s when the spectators took their souvenirs of war. They auctioned off the ropes, strands of hair, and pieces of the gallows. That was Read More
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
Break out your green undies, set the cabbage to boil, and turn up The Chieftains on your stereo! On St. Patrick’s Day, every pachyderm can appropriate and enjoy a little bit of Irish culture. If you live in Boston or Chicago, you may even find participation unavoidable. For everyone else, we recommend you find a fiddle, step into the Riverdance, Read More
Happy Turkey Day
Happy Turkey Day from our flock to your herd! Thank you to all of our readers and contributors, and we hope you enjoy that other holiday.

Happy Turkey Day from our flock to your herd! Thank you to all of our readers and contributors, and we hope you enjoy that other holiday.
Diwali: Defining My Spirituality
by Theresa Nalini Mohabir-Pennella While the basis of Diwali is Lord Rama returning to the lands after 14 years of exile during which he defeated the demon king, Ravana; for me it is a celebration of my culture and heritage. An acknowledgement of my forefathers. The light of the diyas is calming. The tranquility it evokes re-centers me. It is Read More
July 4th
Happy July 4th to all the people and pachyderms of the United States of America! We don’t often feel united these days, and protests seem to happen more than parades. Indeed, to find a song that really moves my patriotism, I look to a musical number from the 1940s. Elephants never admit, but that image of America as savior, guiding Read More
Happy Easter
To all the bunnies and believers, Happy Easter from the elephants!
Rumble March is proud to support the March For Our Lives. Let’s make the ground rumble so they never forget.
St. Patrick’s Day After
Happy Day After St. Patrick’s Day to all of our authentic, adopted, and appropriating Irish friends! Elephants never forgo, so we forgive you feeling a bit delicate today.