September 23, 2019 Weekly

Self Portrait – September 23, 2019 Weekly

At times, we all need to take a good, long look in the mirror and recreate what we see. Sometimes, that involves facing squirrels, er, demons from our past. Other times, we must face unpleasant truths and episodes from a larger, national history. Yet, we may find the most profit in those moments when we look with open hearts, trying to see beyond the surface to our roiling selves within. Then comes the purest art.

“Hole in Chest with Arrow” by Elisabeth Horan

Pero, mírala – mi hermana –
Ya viene la virgen

Está abierta –
Bailando, bailando – a ti

Y mírame – tu viuda –
Piernas cerradas
Retirando, retirando – de ti

“Squirrels” by B F Jones

Squirrels. Rendered malevolent by the distortion of a cubist dream. A murky forest, somewhat tilted, humidity emanating from the ground, dark trees towering above. And the squirrels. Their rustling. Their twitchy accusing stare, ridding me of sleep.

Night after night, trying to understand the sudden fear, trying to remember.

“Mujer y Mono (Woman and Monkey)” by Elisabeth Horan

The wind sabe como tocar (the wind knows how to touch)
A woman’s cheeks

As if they could break her open
Hack easily at the insides of a body

So permanently destroy her –
But they do not.

“October 3rd, 1873” by River Rivers

After a great battle Captain Jack shot General Canby.

For their ‘War Crimes’ four Modoc were hanged.

That’s when the spectators took their souvenirs of war.

“Hurt Comes in Pairs” by Elisabeth Horan

And if such meat is left
Unattended – such as this
Near your spouse’s mouth

He might eat her alive
With utter delight and leave none
For anyone else –