Searching for Virginia

by Monica Kagan Slipping between the stones,I search for words clamped to rocks like leeches.One by one they fall and float away. Sagging into the water – she calls.Her voice penetrates my skin.Her tongue coils around my lungs. In the depths of my consciousness,thoughts splinter like a shattered vase.I lurch forward. Limbs numb,seaweed shrouds my body.Her echoes surround me. Searching Read More

Cellophane Ghosts

by Amanda McLeod Dead jellyfish float  transparent in the void below my rib cage, invisible echoes of unforgotten pain. Ghostly tentacles, trailing translucent threads of agony against my lungs, my heart, drinking my oxygen, taking up space left for breathing, diaphanous, penetrating. I wrap myself in this  cellophane, unseen suffocation, extra gloss doesn’t hide suffering but shows no cause. Amanda Read More