We present this fretful baking tableau in gratitude for Elephants Never Fret by Roppotucha Greenberg. Here’s one more sample, in case we’ve not yet convinced you to read the full story: I stop feeling guilty for existing. Instead I think: maybe other people are people with stories of their own, my elephantine worries about them notwithstanding. – Elephants Never Fret, Read More
We present this fretful baking tableau in gratitude for Elephants Never Fret by Roppotucha Greenberg. Here’s one more sample, in case we’ve not yet convinced you to read the full story:
I stop feeling guilty for existing. Instead I think: maybe other people are people with stories of their own, my elephantine worries about them notwithstanding. – Elephants Never Fret, Roppotucha Greenberg
Roppotucha also contributed the delightful baker above, while the mug came from Primitive Beginnings.